When matters don’t go to plan, we are here to help you resolve any issues

We’ll guide you to implement alternative dispute resolution strategies to avoid the uncertain world of litigation. Where litigation becomes essential, we are with you every step of the way with reasoned, commercial advice. We’ll work towards a swift resolution, including dispute settlement if commercially beneficial and collaborate with preferred barristers where necessary to ensure you receive the best possible representation on important mandates.
We’ll work towards a swift resolution of any dispute, including negotiating a commercial settlement if required.
Our Offering
Developing sensible litigation strategies
Our experience across a broad spectrum of dispute types in different courts and tribunals allows us to develop strategies which make sense in a commercial environment. We focus on outcomes which allow you to achieve your goals, rather than wasting client time and emotional energy on fighting procedural battles which often bog down litigation. We advise you sensibly on litigation risks so that you can make the right decisions along the way.
Working effectively with clients, barristers, witnesses and experts
Effective litigation management is essential to achieve the desired outcomes for clients. We work effectively with clients as well as all of the other members of the team necessary to successfully resolve disputes.
Managing disputes in a cost-efficient manner
Our strategies and effective litigation management allow us to be cost-efficient. We provide realistic and timely estimates of costs likely to be incurred along the way, as well as ways to minimise those costs. We do not want our clients to have any surprises.
Court representation
We represent clients in the Land and Environment Court, NCAT, and Supreme and Federal Court proceedings in a broad range of disputes affecting the real estate, hotels and construction industries.
Team Leader

Duane Keighran
Managing Director
Duane Keighran acts for developers, hotel operators, investors, fund managers, ASX-listed and foreign funds, landlords, tenants, Community Housing Providers (CHPs), Indigenous businesses and government departments.
He has received recognition in legal directories and has been noted as “well respected for his work with clients”. Duane is also recommended in Who’s Who Legal for Hospitality in Australia and is listed in Best Lawyers in Australia for Real Property Law.
To read more about Duane click here


+61 2 8231 9900

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Gail Noe
Special Counsel
Gail is a solicitor and former barrister with over 30 years of experience in litigation and dispute resolution across an extensive range of cases including commercial disputes, equity proceedings, defamation proceedings and general litigation at superior court level.
Gail has a broad range of legal and advocacy skills which she utilises for the benefit of the firm’s clients to resolve their most complex disputes.


+61 2 8231 9900

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Kelly Chen
Kelly acts on a diverse range of leasing and conveyancing trasactions, contract drafting, and the negotiation of sale and purchase agreements. Kelly assists our clients in the aquisition and disposal of assets across a range of asset classes, due dilligence reporting and leasing mandates across Australia.
Kelly is experienced in transaction management, the sale and purchase of real estate and accommodation assets, and leasing. Kelly has experience in acting for a variety of clients, and her attention to detail and ability to manage mulitple workstreams translates into delivering commercially astute advice to our clients.
To read more about Kelly click here


+61 2 8231 9900