News + Articles
High Court determines position on proportionate liability under the Design and Building Practitioner’s Act 2020 (NSW) – The Pafburn Case
Background The High Court of Australia (HCA) recently assessed issues regarding proportionate liability raised pursuant to the...
What is required of a Landlord to ensure vacant possession is provided on lease commencement?
Background The Queensland Court of Appeal (QCA) recently considered in Bagata Pty Ltd & Anor v Sunstorm Pty Ltd [2024] QCA...
Unfair Contract Terms in Construction Contracts: Are you aware of the risks?
If you work in the construction industry as a developer, builder or subcontractor, it is highly likely that the newly expanded...
Off-the-plan unit sales: Don’t be accused of misleading conduct
In the case of Lonergan v JQZ Eleven Pty Ltd [2022] NSWSC 14 the NSW Supreme Court determined whether an off-the-plan seller...
Rare High Court decision handed down: Guidance for community and government housing providers and residential landlords
Background A rare decision regarding compensation for non-pecuniary loss has been recently handed down from the High Court of...
Approval Conditions & Sunset Clauses – Is there a difference?
Transformer Development Group Pty Ltd v Tait Street Investments Pty Ltd [2023] VCC 878.In Victoria, the recent case of...
Electronic Signing in Australia – Where is it up to?
A legislative comparison of electronic signing regimes in Australia…
An obligation to “carry on the business” – High Court defines the principles in Laundy’s Case
A decision regarding the sale and purchase of a hotel in Pyrmont that has impacts on many current transactions has recently been handed down …
Legislative Wrap-Up 2022: Grant of option now dutiable
In keeping with the legislative and market trends of the past two years, the Conveyancing (Sale of Land) Regulation 2022 (NSW) (the Regulation) imposes…
Legislative Wrap-Up 2022: Corporations Act gets a new virtual look
In late February, the Corporations Amendment (Meetings and Documents) Act 2022 (Cth) (Meetings and Documents Act)…
Legislative Update 2022 Bonus! Introducing more competition into the conveyancing space
The Electronic Conveyancing (Adoption of National Law) Amendment Act 2022 (NSW)…
Legislative Wrap-Up 2022: Bars, gyms and exercise studios get added protection as tenants
Brief amendments to the Retail Leases Act 1994 (NSW) (the Act) came into effect…
Legislative Wrap-Up 2022: Strata schemes required to disclose more
On 30 June 2022, new regulations under the Strata Schemes Management Act 2015 (NSW) were written in through the Strata…
Legislative Wrap-Up 2022: Further disclosure required in off the plan sales
In keeping with the legislative and market trends of the past two years, the Conveyancing (Sale of Land) Regulation 2022 (NSW)…
Going Digital – Queensland’s new e-Conveyancing Mandate
Queensland will make e-Conveyancing mandatory for certain transactions with the commencement of the…
Hotel Investment and Development State of Play Survey Australia 2022
Hospitality advisory group Minett Prime Square and law firm Keighran Legal + Advisory have partnered to benchmark…
Landlords and Tenants: At what stage do lease documents become binding?
The case of Thorn Australia Pty Ltd v Centuria Property Funds Ltd [2021] NSWSC 1217 considers…
Deal Announcement: The delivery and handover of social and affordable housing rental dwellings
Developed by Traders In Purple, in partnership with Housing Trust, the project delivered…
Deal Announcement: AVARI Capital Partners successful purchase of 10 Hobart Place, Canberra.
A prominent core CBD building with over 4,500m of NLA, the building provides a significant…
Deal Announcement: Brisbane’s first Mövenpick Hotel
Developed by Keylin as part of the prestigious ORIA Spring Hill development, the Hotel is due to open in 2024.
Snapshot: NSW Government tweaks ‘Impacted Lessee’ status
ecent amendments to the Retail and Other Commercial Leases (COVID-19) Amendment Regulation 2021 (as reviewed by us…
Say goodbye to paper titles – Embracing a digital land registry in NSW
The pursuit to move from traditional paper conveyancing processes, towards a completely digital e-conveyancing system…
Update & Snapshot: Commercial Tenancy Relief Scheme Regulations 2021 (VIC)
A very much anticipated wait (since our Article earlier this month) has finally come to an end…
Legal firm takes on a different perspective
On the eve of our launch and leading up to #naidocweek2021, Koori Mail pulled an article from the archives (circa 1997/8) featuring Managing Director Duane…